Preheat your oven to 400 degrees
Have assistant deliver sliced ham via ambulance ( = Hambulance).
(This step works best if it's after school on Crazy Hair Day but work with what you've got.)
Lightly oil a muffin tin (I used coconut oil today).
Line each muffin spot with a piece of minimally-processed sliced meat (tonight we used ham and turkey from Applegate Farms).
Tear some fresh spinach into small pieces and put them in the meat slices, which have now formed a sort of cup at the bottom of your muffin tin.

Sprinkle with salt and pepper, with optional Parmesan cheese.
Bake at 400 for around 13 minutes.
Serve with a cup of broth and something green.
Optional goodness: sprouted whole grain bread with your own salty home-made butter. Or should I say "butter with bread?"
Bon appetit!
Tomorrow, stay tuned for Totally Paleo Birthday Dinner: Dad's Birthday Edition. Featuring Grain-Free Pineapple Upside-Down Cake. (Wish me luck.)
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